Sponsored by ALDI in conjunction with ABP & The Irish Angus Cattle Society.
1st - €1,000.00; 2nd - €300.00
Qualifers prizefund: €250.00 For each group qualified and exhibited at Iverk Show.
Open to Herds registered with the Irish Angus Cattle Society and each animal has to be registered in the IACS Herd Book.
Each entry to consist of a group of 3 as follows: A Cow with or without calf/A Heifer In-Calf or not – Born before 01/08/2023/A Calf Male or Female - Born on or after 01/08/2023.
Rules & Conditions:
Entry Fee for Qualifying Shows - €20.00 – payable to the Qualifying Show. Entry Fee to Final - €15.00 payable to Iverk Show Society.
All enquiries to Irish Angus Office: 071- 9620253 or Co-Ordinator Michael Flanagan: 086 2540473.