All Exhibits must remain until 4.30pm. When Taking out Exhibits Have your Exhibit Ticket with you for Stewards.
Rules & Conditions:
• In this competition the produce must be the property of and be grown by the exhibitor.
• Each exhibit to consist of the following – A dish of six potatoes of any variety, the variety to be correctly named. Each tuber should be free from skin blemishes, be true to type, and weigh approximately 6oz./170g.
• Two exhibits to qualify at each show.
• This being a quality championship, the adjudicators will favour floury, high dry matter varieties, which are popular with the Irish customer.
• At Final - Marquee will open from 7.30.a.m. on show morning & will close at 10.00.a.m. sharp for judging. Marquee will open at 12.00 noon to the public.
• Exhibits cannot be removed before 5.00.p.m.
• These rules should be read in conjunction with the ISA rules.
Entry Fee to Qualifying Show - €3.00 Final - €6.00
Final will take place at Tullamore Show on Sunday 13th August 2023.
No entries permitted on day of event.