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Results for Mullingar Agricultural Show 2024
Show Results
Soft Toy
Indoor Classes ➤ Country Crafts/ Home Industries ➤ Handmade Crafts
Results for
33: Non-Thoroughbred Brood Mare, stinted to or with foal at foot.
34: Non-Thoroughbred Mare with foal at Foot or Thoroughbred Mare with Foal at Foot by a Non-Thoroughbred Sire
Ch. 7: Non-thoroughbred Mare - Championship
35: The Colt Foal All-Ireland Championship - Qualifier
36: The Traditional Sport Horse Foal All Ireland Championship - Qualifier
37: Non-Thoroughbred Colt Foal
38: Non-Thoroughbred Filly Foal
39: Best Foal Any Breed, Colt or Filly
Ch. 8: Non Thoroughbred Foal -Champion
40: Best Yearling, Colt or Gelding
41: The Yearling Filly All Ireland Championship - Qualifier
42: Best Yearling Filly
43: The Red Mills Non-Thoroughbred 2 year old Gelding all Ireland Championship – Qualifier.
44: Best 2 Year Old Colt or Gelding
45: T.I.H.A. - Limerick Lady Championship - Qualifier
46: The Kildysart Two-Year-Old Filly All Ireland Championship – Qualifier.
47: Best 2 year Old Filly
48: Best 3 year Old Colt or Gelding
49: Best 3 year Old Filly
50: Best Coloured Animal any age
51: Best 3 year Animal to make Lightweight Hunter-In Hand
Ch. 9: Young Horse Championship
Ch.10: Mariners View Championship
52: Small Hunter 4 years old and over - 158cm and under to be ridden.
53: Middle Weight Hunter Gelding or Filly, 4 years old and over, to be ridden
54: Heavy Weight Hunter Gelding or Filly, 4 years old and over, to be ridden.
55a: Lightweight Hunter Gelding or Filly, 4 years old & over. To be ridden
55: Lightweight Cob, 4 years old and over, to be ridden.
55b: Open Traditional Cob any height 4yrs & over
56: Open Ridden, Heavy Weight Cob, Any Height, 4 years old & over.
57: Filly or Gelding, Coloured, Any Height, 4 years old & over, to be ridden.
58: Best RID Gelding or Filly, any age, to be ridden.
59: Ladies Side Saddle Class.
Ch. 11: Ridden Hunter - Championship
60: Novice Working Hunter - Fences Approx. 80 - 90cm
61: Open Working Hunter - Fences 90cm- 1m
62: Best RID Gelding to be shown in hand
63: Best RID Mare 3 & 4 year old, Stinted to or with foal at foot
64: Best RID Mare 5 year old & over, stinted to or with foal at foot.
65: Best RID Colt Foal, progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
66: RID Filly Foal, progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
67: Best Yearling Colt, progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
68: Best Yearling Gelding/Filly, progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
69: Best 2 Y.O. Colt, progeny of approved RID Stallion and RID or AID Mare.
70: Best 2 Y.O. Gelding/Filly, progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
71: Irish Draught 3 year old R.I.D. Filly/Gelding progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
72: Irish Draught 3 year old R.I.D. Colt progeny of approved RID Stallion, RID Mare or AID Mare.
73: The All-Ireland3 year old Registered Irish Draught Filly Championship - Qualifier
Ch. 12: Champion Irish Draught Mare
Ch. 13: Brood Mare Champion
74: Best Donkey Mare and Foal, Foal will receive a special Rosette.
75: The Irish Shows Association & Ballinasloe Show Society presents The All Ireland Donkey Mare Championship - Qualifier
76: Young Stock - 3years and under
77: Best Donkey - 4 year old - Colt /Gelding or Filly
78: Best turnout and condition Class open to all donkeys
79: Young Handler Class - Donkey any age - Handler 16years and under - No Colts/Stallions / Foals.
Ch.14: Champion Donkey
Ch. 23: Champion of Champions
80: Pedigree Shorthorn Cow Rearing her 2024 Calf - Calf at foot
81: All Ireland Pedigree Registered Beef Shorthorn 2 year old Heifer
82: Pedigree Shorthorn Heifer, born between 01/01/23 and 31/12/23
83: Pedigree Shorthorn Heifer Calf, born after 01/01/24
84: Pedigree Shorthorn Bull Calf, born after 01/01/24
Ch. 15: Shorthorn Championship
85: Best Simmental Heifer Calf born on/after 01/12/23
86: Pedigree Simmental Bull Calf born on/after 01/12/23
87: Best Simmental Heifer Calf born between 01/08/23 and 30/11/23
88: Best Simmental Heifer born between 01/09/22 and 31/07/23
89: Best Simmental Male born between 01/01/23 and 30/11/23.
Ch. 16: Champion Simmental
90: Pedigree Hereford Cow In Calf or with Calf at foot.
91: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 01/09/22 and 30/12/22.
92: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 01/01/23 and 30/06/23
93: Pedigree Hereford Bull born between 01/07/22 and 30/06/23
94: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 01/07/23 and 31/12/23
95: Pedigree Hereford Bull born between 01/07/23 and 31/12/23
96: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 01/01/24
97: Pedigree Hereford Bull born after 01/01/24
Ch. 17: Champion Hereford
98: Pedigree Limousin Bull Born Between 01/09/23 and 31/12/23
99: Pedigree Limousin Heifer Born between 01/01/23 and 31/08/23
100: Pedigree Limousin Bull Calf born on or after 01/01/24
101: Pedigree Limousin Heifer Calf born on or after 01/01/24
102: Pedigree Limousin Heifer Calf born between 01/09/23 and 31/12/23
102a: Young Handlers - Must be between 12 years & 18 years on show day
Ch. 18: Limousin Champion
103: Angus Heifer born between 01/09/22 and 31/07/23
104: Angus Heifer born between 01/08/23 and 31/12/23
105: Angus Heifer Calf born on or after 01/01/24
106: Angus Bull Calf Born between 01/08/23 and 31/12/23
107: Angus Bull Calf Born on or after 01/01/24
Ch. 19: Champion Angus
108A: Aldi/ABP/Irish Angus Cattle Society/ All Ireland Irish Angus Bull Calf Championships 2024 - Qualifier
109B: Aldi/ABP/Irish Angus Cattle Society/ All Ireland Irish Angus Bull Calf Championships 2024 - Qualifier
110C: Aldi /ABP/Irish Angus – All Ireland Irish Angus Bull Calf Championships 2024 – Qualifier.
111: Aldi Irish Angus Tread Na hEireann Qualifier
112: Pedigree Charolais Bull Calf born on or after 01/01/24
113: Pedigree Charolais Heifer Calf born on or after 01/01/24
114: Pedigree Charolais Bull born between 01/09/23 and 31/12/23
115: Pedigree Charolais Heifer born between 01/09/23 and 31/12/23
116: Pedigree Charolais Heifer born Between 31/08/22 and 01/09/23
117: Pedigree Charolais Cow in Calf or with Calf at foot.
Ch. 20: Charolais Champion
118: Male or Female under 16 years on 14th July 2024. Handling animal under 450 Kilo’s.
119: The All Ireland Intermediate Senior Young Stockperson Championship 2024 For Handlers 18–25. Qualifier.
120: Suckler Cow with Calf at foot.
121: Beef Heifer - Factory Type- under 30 Months.
122: Cross Bred Heifer, Any Age or Breed, likely to produce a top quality beef calf.
123: Store Heifer with Calf's mouth.
124: The Beef to the Heel Mullingar Heifer All-Ireland Championship.
125: 2024 Born Heifer Calf any Breed under 380Kgs.
Ch. 21: Commercial Heifer Champion
128: Beef Bullock with Calf's Mouth.
129: Continental Cross Bullock with not more than two Permanent Teeth.
130: The Beef to the Heel Mullingar Bullock All-Ireland Championship.
131: 2024 Born Bull Calf, any breed, under 400kg.
Ch. 22: Commercial Bullock Champion
Ch. 32: Supreme Champion - Sheep
132: Hogget Ram
133: Aged Ram
134: Ram Lamb
135: Hogget Ewe
136: Aged Ewe
137: Ewe Lamb
Ch. 24: Champion Pedigree Texel/Reserve.
138: Texel Ewe
139: Texel Ewe Lamb
Ch. 25: Champion Commercial Texel
140: Senior Ram
141: Hogget Ram
142: Ram Lamb
143: Senior Ewe
144: Hogget Ewe
145: Ewe Lamb
Ch. 26: Pedigree Belclare Champion/Reserve
146: Shearling Ram and Upwards
147: Shearling Ewe and Upwards
148: Ram Lamb
149: Ewe Lamb
Ch. 27: Pedigree Beltex Champion
150: Hogget Ram and upwards
151: Ram Lamb
152: Hogget Ewe and upwards
153: Ewe Lamb
Ch. 28: Charollais Champion
154: Young Handler – Under 12 Years Old Sponsored by AgriKids
155: Ewe Lamb 4-6 Months Old (Born between 14/01/24 and 14/04/24).
156: Ram Lamb 4-6 Months Old (Born between 14/01/24 and 14/04/24)
157: Ewe Lamb 7-12 Months Old (Born between 15/07/23 and 13/01/24)
158: Ram Lamb 7-12 Months Old (Born between 15/07/23 and 13/01/24)
159: Shearling Ewe 12-24 Months Old
161: Senior Ewe over 2 Years Old
162: Senior Ram over 2 years
Ch. 29: Valais Blacknose Championship
163: Hogget Ram & Upwards
164: Ram Lamb
165: Hogget Ewe & Upwards
166: Ewe Lamb
Ch. 30: Jacob Champion
167: Pedigree Ram - any age or Breed
168: Best Pair of Butcher Lambs 45kg Min. Weight
169: Best Pair of Store Lambs - 40kg Weight
170: Best Pair of Factory Lambs - 40 - 45kg Max Weight
171: Best Crossbred Ewe Lamb Suitable For Breeding
172: Best Pair of Ewes - Non-Pedigree
173: The All Ireland Crossbred Breeding Ewe Lam Championship – Qualifier
Ch. 31: Commercial Sheep Champion
177: The All-Ireland Home Preserves Championship - Qualifier
178: 1lb Pot Rhubarb Jam
179: 1lb Pot Strawberry Jam
180: 1lb Blackcurrent Jam
181: 1lb Raspberry Jam
182: 1lb Gooseberry Jam
183: 1lb pot Jam - any Fruit not listed above
184: 1 Pot Homemade Marmalade
185: 1lb Pot Jelly - any Fruit
186: Jar of Chutney - Any Variety
186(a): Best One Jar Light Honey
186(b): Best One Jar Medium Honey
186(c): One Frame of Comb Honey Suitable For Extraction
186(d): Container Of Cut Comb Honey
186(e): Jar Of Honey For Tasting - Any Size
187: The Odlums All-Ireland Home Baking Championship - Qualifier
188: All-Ireland Bread Baking Championship
189: White soda Cake
190: Brown Soda Cake
191: Oxford Lunch Cake
192: Coffee Sandwick Cake - Decorated
193: Carrot Cake
194: Biscuit Cake
195: Best Tea Brack
196: Porter Cake
197: Six Decorated Cup Cakes
198: Boiled Fruit Cake
199: Harvest Fruit Loaf
200: Six Potato Cakes
201: Apple Tart
202: Best Light Fruit Cake
203: Victoria Sponge - Decorated
204: Victoria Sponge - Un-Decorated
205: Sponge Sandwich. Jam Filling Only
206: Christmas Pudding. Any Size
207: Cheese Cake. Any Variety
208: Swiss Roll
208a: Madera Cake
209: Afternoon Tea Tray, (The arrangement & contents on tray left to the entrants choice)
210: Six Decorated Cup Cakes
212: Six Biscuits - any recipe
213: Window Box
214: Patio Box
215: Best Single Spray of a Flowering Shrub
216: Roses, HT, Three Blooms, One Vase
217: Roses, Floribunda, Three Stems, One Vase
218: Roses, Floribunda, One Stem, One Vase
219: Best Single Rose
220: Collection of roses, Different Varieties in Bowl or Vase
221: Annuals, One Vase, Five Blooms, One Variety
222: Pot Plant, Decorative Foliage Only, One Pot
223: Pot Plant, Fuchsia, Bush or Standard, not more than 3ft High
224: Geranium, One Pot in Bloom
225: Pot Plant Other than Geranium in Bloom
226: Pansies, Six Blooms
227: Sweet Pea - Five Stems, One Vase
228: Hydrangea one Vase 3 Blooms
229: A Hanging Basket
231: Vase Of Cut Flowers – 5 Blooms any Variety – NOTE - This class is confined to Exhibitors who have never won a prize in the ‘FLOWER’ section at Mullingar Show.
232: Vase of Wall Flowers
233: “A Farmyard Scene” – exhibited on a biscuit tin lid
234: Decorated Vegetable
235: “Best Edible Necklace” – made from Fruit/Vegetables or Sweets.
236: The Quality Onion All Ireland Championship – Qualifier.
237: Best five Shallots
238: Best Five Onions - Sets
239: Best six Pods Of Peas
240: Best Head of Cabbage – Round
241: Best Head of Cabbage – Pointed
242: Best Head of Lettuce
243: Best Three Carrots
244: Best Bunch of Parsley in 1lb Jam Pot
245: Culinary Herbs in Bowl or Jar
246: Five Stalks of Rhubarb
247: Dish of Ten Blackcurrents
248: Dish of Ten Gooseberries
249: Dish of Ten Raspberries
250: Dish of Ten Strawberries
251: Best three Vegetables any variety – confined to exhibitors who have never won a prize in the ‘FRUIT & VEGETABLE’ section at Mullingar Show.
252: The Bord Bia All Ireland Quality Potato Championship – Qualifier
253: The Bord Bia 7 A Day Best In Season Kitchen/Garden All Ireland – Qualifier
254: Best Six Potatoes - Kidney
255: Best Six Potatoes - Round
256: Best Sod of Pasture 1ft Square
257: Sample of Old Meadow Hay, neatly tied
258: Six Hen Eggs - White
259: Six Hen Eggs – Brown (Dark or Light)
260: Six Hen Eggs - Cream
262: Six Duck Eggs - White
263: Six Duck Eggs - Green
264: Six Bantam Eggs – Any Variety/Any Colour
265: Three Eggs from Any Breed of Fowl
266: Soft Toy
267: Any Hand-Crafted Item Excluding Picture or Fire-Screen
268: Patchwork
269: Limerick or Carrickmacross Lace
270: Best Child’s Garment in Aran Knitting
271: Best Adult’s Garment in Aran Knitting
276: Any Small Item in Wood
277: Hand-Crafted Picture or Fire-Screen
280: Best Decorated Wellington Boot
285a: The All Ireland Photography Championship – Qualifier.
288: Scenic View
290: Best Coloured Photograph – any Subject – Exhibitors Under 16 Years
291: Me & My Best Friend - Exhibitors Under 16 Years
292: Competitors Own Choice 3-5 years
299: Eight Lines of a Poem or Rhyme in Print Writing 5-8 years
300: Eight Lines of a Poem in Cursive writing 8-12 years
302: Animal portrait, any Medium
303: Landscape, any Medium
304: Oil Painting, any subject
305: Acrylic or Watercolour Pastel only, any subject
306: Pencil Drawing , any subject
307: The Fleetwood Paints All-Ireland Amateur Painting Competition- Qualifier
Sponsored by
North Midlands Credit Union
Buckley's Supervalu
Greville Arms Hotel
Frayne's Bakery
Gaynor Famiy
Keenan Bauer
Mr Pedal Power
Ryan's Auto Garage & Engineering
McGreals Pharmacy & Opticians
Entry No:
Katie Sneddon, Westmeath